Exercise and REHABILItation

While rest is a great and necessary thing for patients who have experienced a traumatic event such as an injury, exercise can be a way to increase many life factors. Exercise can speed up recovery time, reduce the severity of injury, and return the body nearer to a fully functioning status. Whats great about this is that there is a level of exercise that can be fun, beneficial, and appropriate for one's status of health. Below will be examples of exercise based rehabilitation and its effects on post acute trauma. 

Exercise After Back Surgery

In a study observing the effects of exercise on 60 patients after lumbar disk surgery, patients were found to have a reduced severity of pain and disability. In addition, patients were also found to have a greater functionality over the control group in comparison. 

Exercise for Coronary Heart Disease

Exercise showed to have important benefits as a form of rehab for patients who suffered from heart disease. This included a reduction in the risk for death and hospital admission. It was also shown that patients had an improvement in quality of life after exercising. 

What Does That Mean for You?

Although you may not have heart disease or have had back surgery, exercise can be great in a preventative way as well. Not only can your quality of life be improved, but there are a plethora of benefits that anyone can enjoy too! These two examples show that even in quite severe cases, exercise was shown to make life easier and speed up the healing process as well. Along with that higher quality of life is the fact that your chances for getting specific diseases drops too! Any person can benefit from exercise but it requires you to take that first step, so why don't you take that step today!


Disclaimer: All of the information presented in our podcast consist of our opinions and is in no way to be used as replacement for professional medical advice. We are not accredited health professionals. Please seek consultation from a health care professional such as your primary care physician before starting any diet or fitness plan. In no way do we guarantee that exercise will cure any diseases. We have done research, but we do not recommend to take this information head on without visiting a health professional as well.